Pétrole Léger

Credit purchase agreement


Legal name :

Company name :

Phone number :

Cellular phone :

Fax :

Business address :

City :

Postal code :

Postal address :

City :

Postal code :

Number of years in business under this name :

E-mail :





Business type :


Business activities :

Local :


If rented; owners name :

Phone number :


Accounting records enclosed :

Other related company(ies) :


Accounts payables contact :

Phone number :


Account status by email :

Owners, associates or administrators


Title :

Name :

Address :

City :

Phone number :

% of share detained :


Title :

Name :

Address :

City :

Phone number :

% of share detained :


Title :

Name :

Address :

City :

Phone number :

% of share detained :

Main financial institution

Principal bank :

Address :

Postal code :

Person to contact :

Account number :

Phone number :

Fax :

Other financial institution (if any)

Institution name :

Address :


Postal code :

Person to contact :


Account number :

Phone number :

Fax :

Commercial references



Person to contact

Account number

Phone number


Petroleum Products



Current price



Tank size


Owned / Loan

Annual /




Col. diesel


Furnace oil


Delivery frequency :

Reservoir Location :

Delivery address :

Credit Agreement

Payment must be made fifteen (15) days following the delivery. Credit charges of 2% per month (26.82%/year) are calculated on any past due balance. PÉTROLE LÉGER INC. is entitled at any time to limit the amount of credit or to cease extending credit. PÉTROLE LÉGER INC. reserves the right, after notifying the client, to amend the general conditions of this Agreement including the method of calculating and rate of the credit charges. The credit granted shall not be used to obtain a loan of money. A nominal amount may be debited for handling charges with respect to any cheque returned by the client’s bank. I, the undersigned, accept the conditions set out above and authorize you to request from or disclose to any credit information agency, or lending agency with which I have or propose to have a financial relationship, any information concerning the credit of the company applying for credit herein for so long as I have a business relationship with PÉTROLE LÉGER INC. I, the undersigned, certify that all the information provided in this application is true and complete.

I, the undersigned, accept the conditions set out in the above Credit Agreement and authorize you to request from or disclose to any consumer credit information agency, or any lending agency with which I have or propose to have a financial relationship, any information concerning my credit for so long as I have a business relationship with PÉTROLE LÉGER INC. I, the undersigned, certify that all the information provided in this application is true and complete. 

Name of the signatory (block letters) :

S.I.N. :

Birthdate :

Date : 27 July 2024

Surety ship (Every Company)

Whereas I have an interest in the company applying for credit herein. I, the undersigned, bind myself jointly and severally with the company applying for credit herein to repay to PÉTROLE LÉGER INC. all amounts that the company may owe in the future to PÉTROLE LÉGER INC., whether pursuant to a contract, business, agreement or transaction between the two parties, or by virtue of other contracts, agreements or transactions pursuant to which PÉTROLE LÉGER INC. may become a creditor of the company.

Name de la compagnie :

Date : 27 July 2024

Birthdate :

S.I.N. :

Name of the signatory (block letters) :

Personal address :

City :

Postal code :

Phone number :

Fax :

Witness Name and Address :

E-mail :


Loan equipment convention

Convention passed this

Between PÉTROLE LÉGER INC. corporation legally constituted and having its head office located at 460 Grand Boulevard, Ville Ile Perrôt, Quebec, below named ‘’LÉGER’’


Having his head office at :

Below called the ‘’CLIENT’’.

Installation address :


  1. Equipment loan

LÉGER by present’s loans to the CLIENT for the duration of this convention and for means of storage and handling of LEGER products which will be bought by the customer by virtue of this convention, the equipment described below and all other equipment thereafter delivered to the ‘’CLIENT’’ by ‘’LÉGER’ according to the terms and conditions below.

Quantity :

Description of equipment :

Value* :

Quantity :

Description of equipment :

Value* :

Quantity :

Description of equipment :

Value* :

Quantity :

Description of equipment :

Value* :

Quantity :

Description of equipment :

Value* :



* Value of equipment exclude the applicable taxes.

  1. Sale

In consideration of loan, the CLIENT agrees to buy exclusively from LÉGER during the period of this convention any oil products that is requested according to every place where the loaned equipment and every piece of equipment loaned is installed in report to any trade exercised by the CLIENT.

  1. Consent

The loaned equipment will be installed (except electrical linking) at the business place of the CLIENT at the expense of LÉGER provided that aforementioned installation everywhere,  the CLIENT acquires the written consent of every secured creditor or owner of places in below established form: the equipment loaned will not be taken away except by LÉGER or its consent.

  1. Duration

This convention, unless it is previously cancelled by LÉGER such as it is envisaged in presents, will reside in force for a period of year (s) from the date of presents and later for additional periods of year (s) until it is put to an end by the one or other one of the parties by giving a written opinion to the other party sixty days before the end of the common period.

  1. Property

The loaned equipment will remain the property of LÉGER and will not be used for storage or distribution of any other product except for LÉGER, products will be used for no other end than for which it is loaned according to the presents.

  1. Forbidden to sell

The CLIENT should not sell, dispose, put a bid on, affect, tax or rent the said equipment or part of this one, and will not give up this contract or none of his advantages without prior written consent of LÉGER.

  1. Identity

For the duration of this convention, LÉGER will have the right to choose the means which he will consider proper to mark and identify his equipment.

  1. Taking away

LÉGER by the presents, reserves the right to take away any such part of the said equipment: for the duration of this contract, it is of the opinion that the equipment which he offers to take away is superfluous seen the volume of business to be made by the CLIENT on the said places, all in all without affecting the obligations of the CLIENT towards LÉGER in accord to the presents

  1. Taxes

The CLIENT will pay all contributions, taxes, licenses, permits and expenses imposed regarding the equipment loaned, coming from the usage of aforementioned equipment by the CLIENT. The CLIENT will be required to submit to his own expenses, requirements of any status, regulations or prescriptions imposed every so often by the government or by any other authority having jurisdiction, concerning the loaned equipment, its installation, its operation.

  1. Maintenance

The CLIENT will maintain aforementioned equipment at its own expenses undamaged of functioning and LÉGER will not be required to put whatever defect that belongs to aforementioned equipment.

  1. Inspection

The CLIENT should allow representatives or agents of LÉGER to enter places where the loaned equipment is at all times during the hours of business to survey, repair, and mark for aims of identification or replace aforementioned equipment and, at expiration of the loan, repossess aforementioned equipment.

  1. Expiration

The CLIENT will return immediately to LÉGER the loaned equipment on expiration of loan in as good condition that he received it.  He will be responsible of all charges or debits encountered for repairing all damages to aforementioned equipment and in the case of lost, destruction or fault to return the equipment loaned undamaged, will pay the value of aforementioned equipment immediately to LÉGER such as established above less the amortisement at the rate of 10% a year, including all applicable taxes at the time of the payment.

  1. Responsibility

LÉGER will be in no way responsible for any wound or for the death of the CLIENT or any other person, neither of some loss or damage of any product or property which would result in any way from the equipment loaned or of its installation, use or operation and the CLIENT accepts to compensate LÉGER for any expenses, loss, claim and request resulting from such wound, loss, or damage.

  1. Break of contract

If  the CLIENT is lacking to carry out any obligation by virtue of this convention in comparison with the equipment loaned or if the CLIENT, without advising LÉGER, leaves the premises where the loaned equipment is or makes an act of  bankruptcy, or goes bankrupted or if he is adjudged bankrupted or if it makes any proposal or offer, any arrangement to his creditors or if a sequestration is named to ownership or to assets of the CLIENT, or if the CLIENT allows, that some execution is made against him by virtue of a judgment or an order from a competent court of jurisdiction or if it is the opinion on LÉGER the loaned equipment or part of  said equipment is superfluous seen the volume of LÉGER products bought by the CLIENT by virtue of this convention, LÉGER will be able, without putting an end to this convention, end the loan of  the equipment or a part of aforementioned equipment without  any notice and retake possession of aforementioned equipment and at this end, his agents or employees will have the right to enter any places where is any lent equipment.

  1. Other products and equipment

No similar equipment to another company or person will be placed on the and equipment CLIENT’S location for the duration of this convention without the written consent of LÉGER. No other product than those of LÉGER will be distributed by means of loaned equipment by the presents.

  1. Penalty

If, because of a defect by the CLIENT to carry out one or any of its obligations by virtue of presents, LÉGER will put an end to part or all of the loan of equipment before the expiration of the term of this convention, the CLIENT will pay LÉGER, as damage liquidated, a sum equal to the expense of installation, of repossession, of taking away and repairing of equipment (including the expense of improvement to the location of the CLIENT), the all unprejudiced to the rights of LÉGER to recuperate damage for breaking of contract in another way.  Should the CLIENT put an end to the contract, LEGER could demand from the said CLIENT the amount of $ as liquidated damages and / or as expenses of taking away the lent equipment.

  1. Conditions

The conditions of payment are cash on delivery, or the credit terms which can be granted by LÉGER to the CLIENT and that LÉGER saves right to change or to cancel at all times.  Should LÉGER grant credit to the CLIENT and that the account is not paid within the next thirty days following the date of the statement, the amount unpaid is subject to service charges from LÉGER in force aforementioned thirtieth day.


The possessing undersigned and/or secured creditor of places where lent equipment must be installed agree, by the presents, in aforementioned installation under reservation by PÉTROLE  LÉGER INC. Of its title and right of possession and abandons, by presents, of all rights or privileges which he could have and acknowledges the rights of PÉTROLE LÉGER INC. to take back and take away aforementioned equipment such as envisaged above.

By :

Mortgage / possessing creditor :


Agreement for the use of the automatic fuel dispensing system magnetic card

(Annex to the credit purchase agreement)


Wherever mention is made of “the card” we can also read “the cards”. This agreement applies to any other card request made previously or subsequently. For the purposes of this contract, the issuance of the card binds the signature of Pétrole Léger Inc. and the use of the card by the cardholder or a third party for any debt arising from the use of this card by a third party up to when Pétrole Léger Inc. has been notified by telephone, during normal business hours, of the loss or theft of said card. When the holder uses the Automatic Fuel Dispensing System card for the first time or authorizes a third party to use it, he accepts the following conditions of use:

 Personal identification number

The cardholder agrees to provide identification deemed satisfactory by Pétrole Léger Inc. in order to obtain the personal identification number (PIN) associated with the card.

 Automatic invoicing system

The holder acknowledges that the receipts are delivered directly by the automatic system when filling only. The holder undertakes to collect and keep these receipts. These receipts contain the filling information and not the amount to be paid by the holder. This data is transmitted electronically to the cardholder's account and is processed to calculate the balance due. Pétrole Léger Inc. cannot, at any time, provide another receipt. Subject to the foregoing, the cardholder agrees to pay the balance appearing on his monthly account statement and the cardholder acknowledges and accepts that his monthly account statement constitutes conclusive proof of the balance due.


If, for a malfunction of the system, the holder or a third party was unable to obtain the receipt during filling, he undertakes to notify Pétrole Léger Inc. as soon as possible during normal business hours in order to allow Pétrole Léger Inc. to remedy the malfunction of the system.

Duration of each period for which an account statement is provided

Pétrole Léger Inc. sends the holder a monthly statement of account. 

Minimum payment required for each period

The cardholder agrees to reimburse in a single payment the total balance of purchases made using the card to Pétrole Léger Inc. upon receipt of the monthly account statement.

Late credit charges

The cardholder agrees to pay credit charges of 2% per month (24.86% annually) which are calculated on any past balance due after 30 days from the date of the statement of account.

Unattended self-service

The contract between the unattended self-service permit holder and a consumer must mention the requirements of sections 66.11, 84 to 87, 294, 295, 323,355. (d.753-91, a.356; D.156-99, a.91 and 129)

Card cancellation

As the card is the property of Pétrole Léger Inc., the latter reserves the right to cancel the authorized credit, to regain possession of it or have it repossessed and to terminate the service it provides, without prior notice to the holder. In either of these cases, Pétrole Léger Inc. cannot be held liable.

Forfeiture clause of the benefit of the term

In the event that the holder does not comply with one or other of the conditions provided herein, Pétrole Léger Inc. may demand the immediate reimbursement of the entire balance of all sums owed by the holder.

Card description

Product :

Quantity :

Inscription :

Card number :

Account number :


Product :


Maximum quantity :


Quantity :

Inscription :

Card number :

Account number :


Product :


Maximum quantity :


Quantity :

Inscription :

Card number :

Account number :

Product :

Maximum quantity :





Leave this empty:

Signature arrow sign here

Signed by Anabel Léger
Signed On: 25 February 2022

Signature Certificate
Document name: Credit purchase agreement
lock iconUnique Document ID: 00a3f0b3cea7e1a95231de22bc67ac12d40a4050
Timestamp Audit
30 September 2020 19:33 GMTCredit purchase agreement Uploaded by Anabel Léger - info@petroleleger.ca IP