The importance of air quality for young and old

air quality

The importance of air quality for young and old

Air quality

Some research shows that indoor air can often contain more polluting elements than outdoor air, which is rightly a concern for many people.
Poor air quality can trigger a range of more or less serious symptoms in most people of all ages: headaches, dizziness, nausea, allergies, watery eyes, irritation of the respiratory tract, dry cough, difficulty concentrating, more frequent asthma attacks not to mention symptoms similar to those of a cold or flu.

Regular maintenance of home ventilation ducts is THE solution to take to counter these inconveniences which can seriously affect our quality of life.

Well-maintained air ducts ensure optimal performance of the heating and air conditioning system and will thus prevent premature deterioration of the operation of this system. Not to mention the savings achieved through regular maintenance.

It’s time to call on Pétrole Léger, the specialist in air conditioning and heating since 1951, for a ventilation cleaning service aimed at eliminating these contaminants (pollen, bacteria, dust, mold and debris, among others) who want to take up residence in your home.

Pétrole Léger’s highly qualified technicians will then clean the air ducts using modern, high-performance equipment, including camera inspection, if necessary. They will remove, among other things, animal hair, dander, dust, rodent droppings and other dirt that infiltrates through the ventilation openings.

The air we breathe is more than the air of the city or the fresh air of the countryside, it is more than the heat produced by our heating system… it is our health that will benefit!